Thursday, July 14, 2011

3 pounds and counting....

Last night, while Jason was at the hospital with Tucker, they did their regular "hands on" time and weighed him. He is now at 3 pounds!! We also got some good news that when he gets to eating 27 mL they will then take out his pick line! Right now he is eating 12 1/2 mL, and it goes up 1 1/2 mL every 12 hours, so it will be a few days. He is also down to the lowest setting on his vapotherm and will soon be on a regular nasal cannula that we would use if we needed to have oxygen. He will no longer need the humidity that runs through it!
Paige loves visiting her baby brother and talks to him alot and lets him know he's ok! :) She loves to think that Tucker is dreaming of her and that he talks to her.
Little by little he is losing more and more wires that bind him to his isolet! We are so thankful for God's provision! He is keeping Tucker tight in His arms and getting him through this! We can't believe we are already 2 weeks in! We pray this time goes quickly and he will be healthy and come home with us! Thank you again for all of the continued prayers!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

10 days old

Tucker is now 10 days old...this week he has started to get regular feedings (still through a tube). He started off at 1 mL every 6 hours and then after a few fussy days, he seemed to be feeling better and was hungry, they upped his feeding to every 3 hours. After a day of that he was upped again to 2 mL ever 3 hours and has been tolerating that well. This morning when we got to the hospital, they had upped him yet again and now he is getting 5 mL every 3 hours! This is great news that his tummy is handling food well. We are still taking one day at a time, but for 2 days the doctor has had no new news to report! He's just slowly moving forward.
Today, while visiting our little guy, I was able to talk to the nurse for a while. She asked how we were doing and told us she had never met a family like us that is dealing with a very premature baby and still so happy. I was able to witness to her a little bit and tell her that without our Lord, we wouldn't be getting through this! He is the reason for this baby, for our peace and happiness and this whole situation. He deserves all the glory! She was very intrigued and seemed to be in agreement. As I get to know her more, I hope to find out if she is a believer, but for now I sit in awe of how the Lord is using this situation already!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tucker has arrived...early!

The last week has been kind of a blur for our family. While being 7 months pregnant, I was diagnosed with deep chest bronchitis and pneumonia. I went to the ER twice and was sent home with antibiotics. The third time was the charm, I was having chest pains and trouble breathing and was taken to the ER and was thought to have a blood clot to the lung, but after a CT Scan that was ruled out. Jason had been in the field all week long and once the doctors decided to admit me, he was able to come home. While being admitted, my blood pressure was sky high and they became very worried, but at that point in time, the baby was not in harms way. The doctors gave me morphin to help with the pain, but it didn't help much, which again worried them. After the first night I started to feel a little more normal and could at least take a breath without pain. Things were looking up. After the second night, I woke with a terrible headache and again high blood pressure. The doctors feared I was developing pre-eclampsia. The next day, my symptoms worsened. I started developing more and more signs of pre-e. At about 3 pm, it was decided they were going to deliver Tucker at 30 weeks and 5 days (9 weeks early). If the symptoms got any worse, they worried what my body would do to him. At 5:38 pm on July 2, Tucker entered the world weighing 2 lb. 13 oz. He was taken directly to the NICU with Jason in tow.

He had to be on a ventilator to help with his breathing, but was doing ok. After the first night he was taken off the ventilator, but not long after had to go back on. The doctors did chest xrays and found he had some pneumonia and his little lungs weren't quite ready. He had some swelling in his throat from the tubing of the ventilator, but he was given some medicine to help with that. After a couple days, the doctor ruled he had an open PDA. It normally closes after birth, but Tucker's had not, so he was still getting blood in his lungs making it hard for him to breathe regularly on his own. He underwent 3 steroid treatments to close the PDA and praise the Lord, it worked! He came off the ventilator that day and has been off since. He is breathing well with the little help of the nasal oxygen (it has a proper name, but I don't know it). He has become quite the voisterous one, now, and lets the doctors and nurses know he is not happy. Today (8 days after he was born) I was finally able to hold him! "Kangaroo Care", as they call it, is a very vital key in his development. He is placed skin to skin with me and settled in very nice and slept. His heart rate slowed (it had been way up...he was telling them he wanted his mommy) and he was very relaxed, as was mommy. It was a very special moment for all of us. Every day still brings challenges that he has to cross over, but we are very hopeful, as are his doctors. There will be many more milestones he has to reach and we're sure there will be some setbacks as well, but we know that we will get through them all. God has been every so present throughout this whole thing. Our family has been leaning on him to get us through, and strangely, we all have a peace...a peace that only God can give...that everything is going to be ok.

We cannot thank everyone enough for all of the prayers, comments, phone calls, cards and support that we have received. They mean more than anyone will ever know. Please continue to pray for all of us, but especially for Tucker. He has a long road ahead of him still, but he is a tough little guy and we will get him through it. We love you all and will keep you updated with his progress!


Well, it's 2009! Where has the time gone? We are looking forward to a great year!
Paige, 17 months now, is the joy of our lives! She is so much fun and everyday makes us smile and laugh. She is growing up so much and talking more and more! It's getting colder now, so we have to play inside alot. Her sandbox sits empty for the winter. Soon enough, it will be spring and we will be out and about! We are planning on planting a garden - she will love being in the dirt. It will be a great outdoor activity!
Jason is still traveling back and forth to Phoenix, which is a long drive for him, but he and I are so thankful that he has a good job! He is currently involved in our church's Men's Fraternity and is the director of our AWANA's TREK (junior high) group (as am I). We are also involved in a young families group as well.
I am still staying at home and enjoying the precious time I have with Paige. I also babysit my friend's little boy as well. They are great friends already! :)
We are planning for more children, and are sure it will happen in God's time! We are so thankful for all of His provisions in our lives! HAPPY 2009!