Tuesday, February 23, 2010

just around the corner

Today marks the 3 week mark that Jason has been gone. Boy, do I miss him. I haven't actually talked to him in 2 full weeks. I've gotten a couple random texts and a couple letters, but no voice. This weekend is the start of the next busy 7 weeks ahead. Saturday is a baby shower I am throwing for my dear friend, next weekend we are having a "Daughters of the King" night with our junior high and high school girls from church, the following Friday we leave for Nebraska. Paige and I will be staying for 3 weeks! I am so excited to get to spend some extra time with my siblings! I leave Nebraska April 3 and fly to Denver to my sister in law's house then we are driving home to AZ then 8 days later we are flying to Georgia to see Jason graduate!!! I am really looking forward to the time passing quickly. I am excited for all of it, but most of all, I want to see Jason. Thank you for your continued prayers for our family. They have sure helped! April is just around the corner! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

gettin' gRoovy

Getting back into the groove of everyday life is a little rough. This week felt a little more normal, but the nights are still hard...not just for me but for Paige as well. I made her a blanket out of Army material and she snuggles up with that every night along with her hand-sized Army guy that she calls "daddy". She is slowly adjusting to him being gone and constantly reminds me that "daddy is at his new job. he's in Georgia". It's so sweet. 7 1/2 weeks cannot come fast enough! :) I decided to make Paige a graduation outfit out of pink camo. She loves it!
We have gotten 3 letters so far and he said there are more on the way! I am so thankful he is writing! :) It has really begun to fill the gap in our day to day talking. I am really really looking forward to being able to just pick up the phone and call him...whenever I want!

Paige and I have been so blessed to have amazing family and friends nearby. They have really supported us through all of this and it is so comforting!

We would love continued prayer for our family as we go through the next 5 months and for Jason's safety. He has really amazed me with the boldness he has shown to other men in his unit...witnessing to them. When the guys get angry about stuff, Jason quickly reminds them that getting angry is not going to fix it! I am so proud of him! We are so thankful that God has given us this opportunity to spread His word and so proud that Jason is taking it and sharing! God is SO good!

Friday, February 5, 2010

the first week

Well, we are approaching the one week mark. It's been a long week...lots of tears (from me and Paige). We are still trying to get into a groove without daddy. Just feel a little lost without him home. I have been very fortunate to have Jason's sister here from Colorado and she has stayed with me. She has helped so much! Her hubby is in the Army as well, so she's been through all of this. I never knew I could miss him this much in such a short time! We are so used to texting and talking every day and now...nothing. It has been 2 1/2 days since we have talked. I pray all day long for his safety (and a phone call to reassure that). God has been so good to us and I am surrounded by special friends and wonderful family! I have begun the clearing out process and I am going through stuff and packing things we don't use or need. I get excited to think about being with Jason again and knowing that at the end of these 20 weeks, we will be moving together! I pack some stuff and it clears my mind...sometimes I cry, but I know that God is there to comfort me and I feel his embrace. Thank you, Lord.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

the hardest thing...

Saying good-bye is never easy. I never knew it could be this hard. Watching Jason say good-bye to Paige and telling her "he was going to bring her a star" was so hard to watch. (Paige refers to the Army logo as "daddy's new star") We were so glad to be able to spend a little extra time with him when they changed his flight plan. When we said good-bye, we knew it wasn't forever, but in the 11 years we have been together, this is the longest we have been apart. I know that he will work hard to earn his phonecalls and I have already started writing letters. Coming back home was harder than I every anticipated. Seeing his boots by the door that he had worn just a few days before and his pillow just as he'd left it was the hardest thing to deal with. Being home for over 9 hours, I can't seem to really get myself together. I know this time will go fast (or I pray it will), but it doesn't stop the ache. I am SO proud of Jason and all that he is going to accomplish and I am praying for him and our family daily. I am more in love with him than I have ever been and I am so lucky to be married to such a wonderful man! I thank God each and every day for our marriage. I want to thank everyone who has been praying for us. We have definately felt them!


Well, it's 2009! Where has the time gone? We are looking forward to a great year!
Paige, 17 months now, is the joy of our lives! She is so much fun and everyday makes us smile and laugh. She is growing up so much and talking more and more! It's getting colder now, so we have to play inside alot. Her sandbox sits empty for the winter. Soon enough, it will be spring and we will be out and about! We are planning on planting a garden - she will love being in the dirt. It will be a great outdoor activity!
Jason is still traveling back and forth to Phoenix, which is a long drive for him, but he and I are so thankful that he has a good job! He is currently involved in our church's Men's Fraternity and is the director of our AWANA's TREK (junior high) group (as am I). We are also involved in a young families group as well.
I am still staying at home and enjoying the precious time I have with Paige. I also babysit my friend's little boy as well. They are great friends already! :)
We are planning for more children, and are sure it will happen in God's time! We are so thankful for all of His provisions in our lives! HAPPY 2009!